Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Mother's Day!

Today as I think about Mother's Day I take a moment to remember my mom who has gone on to be with the Lord. I know I will see her again some day soon and hopefully sooner than later. I take a moment and remember the strong person that she was and the brave and courageous person that she was. Being a single mom most of her life she did such a great job raising my two sisters and I, always making sure we had everything we needed and that we went to good christian schools and church almost every Sunday!!!! She always met our needs before she met her own. Those of you that know my mom will agree with me!!!! Things never were easy for our family but we did the best with what we had. I always remember those times when we would go to MCL on Sunday afternoons after church our favorite thing to get was Chicken and Dumplings, well today after church I went to MCL. It was always the highlight of my Sunday. To this day it is one of my favorite places to eat. Brings back lots of memories!!!! There are several little things that I remind me that I am so much like my mom in so many ways!!!! One of them is my love for Pepsi my mom was always drinking Pepsi at all hours of the day. Now my sisters are Coke girls but I am the Pepsi girl of the family just like my mom. People always said you look so much like your mom and in many ways we are alot alike.
Well I am gonna end this post and head downtown to take a stroll on the canal and reflect on the positive things and the many memories I have concerning my mom. I love you mom and miss you every day but I know some day we will celebrate all the times we haven't been able to!
I can't wait for that day!!!! Thank you Lord for blessing me with a mom for the 19 years that I had her!

Monday, April 5, 2010

Time for a new post!

Well I haven't posted anything for a while because it has been super busy at work and by the time I get home I am just too stinkin tired to get on here and update. Plus I have been busy trying to pack things up for vacation and the move!!!! I however am not getting very far in that process!!!!! I always say oh I will pack this weekend well that never happens so I have a ton of boxes sitting in my living room and most of them are empty. I have packed up a few but not many at all(two to be exact).
Onto the vacation thing. I am getting really excited about my upcoming trip to Florida! I can't wait to be in the nice warm sunshine and not have to worry about getting up at the crack of dawn for work and all the screaming children-well I won't miss that at all! All the noise doesn't even faze me anymore I have become so used to it I don't even hear it anymore. Well that is unless it's one of those blood curling screams that one always get's to me.
Speaking of screaming kids we have had a major baby explosion in the nursery these past few weeks. But I love it. someone asked me how can you be back here every Wed and not go crazy with all these babies. The truth is I love each and every one of them and I know that at the end of the night I can send each and every one of them home and call it a night. I wouldn't have it any other way right now!!!!!! I know soon things may change and I will have to be the one taking my kid home and dealing with them, but for now I will stick to loving on them and sending them home. For the past few weeks we have had at least 5 babies on a Wed. night that doesn't sound like alot but when you are used to having one or none 5 is alot! But thank you Jesus that these parents trust our workers with their children and that I have some awesome workers who faithfully show up and work their scheduled shift( and then I have some who work more than once a month for me and don't complain). Thank you Sarah Tice you have been a lifesaver more than once for me!!!!!
Well time to go watch the Butler game soon!!!! Go DAWGS!!!!!!!!

Thursday, March 25, 2010

So I haven't posted anything for a while!!!!

Well I haven't posted anything in a while because I have a crazy past couple of weeks. Two weeks ago Monday I got braces and let me tell you they have been anything but fun!!!!!! My eating habits have been nothing but horrible the past couple of weeks. They pretty much consists of yogurt, mashed potatoes, macaroni and cheese, spaghetti and of course pepsi!!!! I finally have been able to start chewing things again the past few days!!!! With that in mind I decided to go to Outback last night for the first time in months!!!! I was in heaven I have really missed cheese fries!!!! I know they are so bad for you but they taste yummy!!!!!!
Also I am getting ready for my upcoming vacation!!!!!! I am so excited to get away from all the madness at work and the crazy weather and have some fun in the sun!!!!!! So looking forward to seeing Mickey Mouse at Disney for the very first time ever!!!!! I don't care how old you are I don't think you are ever too old for Mickey Mouse!!!!!! I will make sure I snap lots of pictures and post them when I get back.
Speaking of work it has been in sane the past couple of months, we have been so busy but I am thankful to have a wonderful job and a awesome boss and soon to be moving to my new place where I can walk to work and it will only take me about three minutes!!!!! ( Oh and I can't leave out the washer and dryer part either).
Well I am gonna go now and enjoy my three day weekend! See you all later!

Friday, March 12, 2010

Finally Back

Well it has been a while since I have posted so I thought I would give you an update on a few things that have been happening! I volunteered last Friday night at the Easter Seals Crossroads for my free Disney voucher. It was a very challenging but fun night! What a blessing to be able to help families with children who have disabilities. It makes me look at my own life and realize how easy I have it compared to some of them! So glad I was able to help out so their parents could have a couple of free hours to do whatever their hearts desired! Definitely gonna volunteer for that again!!!
So I am getting ready to make the move again! This time I am moving to the apartments that are located directly behind where I work. Even though they are little bit pricier than what I have now, it will all be worth it. I will be able to walk to work on a daily basis, come home for lunch everyday and do my laundry in the privacy of my own place!!!! Yes!!!!!!!! Gonna save alot on gas! Makes me one happy girl!
Also getting ready for my vacation. I went online today and printed out my voucher for my free Disney ticket. So far this trip has cost me nothing! Thank you Jesus for your continual blessing in my life! I am getting so excited to go, not because it's vacation but because it's the sun and the beach and the outlet shopping and of course DisneyWorld(to which I have never been).
And last but not least I got braces last Monday and to say the least I hate them so far. I can't really chew much of anything which is not making me very happy because this girl likes to eat. So my diet has consisted of yogurt, mashed potatoes, soup, cottage cheese, macaroni and cheese, scrambled eggs, pancakes! I am ready to eat a big steak and french fries and it not kill my teeth! Soon and very soon that will happen. Right now I am in the frustrating stage but it will all be worth it in the end when I have a gorgeous smile(hopefully by next May)!
Finally I was watching this video on UTube by Mandisa called He Is With You!!! What an amazing song. If you get the chance go on there and watch it and let it minister to you! It has some amazing lyrics. God is always with us no matter what trial we are facing, just put your trust in him and he will make a way! Never give up hope.
Welp hitting the hay so I can get up early and get some packing started!!!!!

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Recap from the last week!!!!!

So I survived my five days of babysitting well I guess you can call it kid sitting they aren't really babies anymore!!!!! My week was filled with running from one side of town to the other, laundry and lots of it, making sure no one killed or hurt anyone else and dealing with a mouthy teenager and a moody pre-teen!!!!!! Jeesh it almost put me over the edge!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It makes me very thankful that I can come back home to my quiet peaceful and comfy house!!!!
But it also makes me think about what my life would be like if I had my own children to care for on a daily basis. I love the fact that I can come home anytime I want, go to bed anytime I want and just plain relax if I want, but on the other hand it makes me sad that I don't have any! I never dreamed that this would be how my life would end up, I always thought I would be married by now with a couple of kids and be the stay at home mom that I have always wanted to be, but I guess God has other plans for my life.
I am not giving up hope that someday soon that will happen, but I guess for now I will just stick to spoiling other people's children and loving on everybody else's babies until I can love on my own. It's kinda nice to love on them and then give them back to their parents, but on the other hand it makes me want them even more.
So tonight when you say your prayers include a little one for me!!!! I could use some cheering up right now! Good night all my dear friends, I love you all and you know who you are!

Friday, February 19, 2010

Being a mom for five days!

So this will probably be my only post for a few days. I am heading to my very good friends house to watch her kids for five days. Her and her husband are on a business trip and needed someone to watch their kids. I have watched these kids since the youngest one was nine months and now she is nine!!!!! I will be running myself ragged with all the things these kids are involved in. Don't get me wrong they are great kids but very busy ones!!!!!
So it's off to soccer games, cheerleading for basketball games and tennis matches oh and laundry and cooking and taking care of the fish and the dog and making sure the kids get on the bus and get up in time and also I have to get myself ready for work. I am also still working while I am watching these kids!!!!
But all these things are ok because when you can help out a friend who has helped you out alot it is well worth all the craziness.
Well I am out of here, blogging will continue in a few days when I return home!!!! Happy weekend to everybody!

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Give a Day/Get a Disney Day

So I am going to Florida in April and plan to go to Disney since I have never been there. Yeah 37 years old and never been, sad isn't it!!!!!! Well so far this has been a pretty cheap vacation for me. My friend's mom lives in Orlando so I am going to be staying with her. And well as far as my flight goes, when I traveled in December with my job we had a major delay in Atlanta and so therefore we received a $200 flight voucher so I used that to book my flight.
So I was on the Disney website and a little pop up came up and said give a day get a disney day so i decided to check it out!!! So glad I did because I am getting a voucher for a free ticket for a day. To get the voucher I will be volunteering for the Easter Seals Crossroads, they have a Parent Night Out every Friday night for the parents!! They can drop off their kids and go out on a date. All I have to do is volunteer 2 Friday nights and then I get my voucher!!!! Woo Hoo!!!! I am gonna see if I can get anything else for free before I go!!!!!
God has been good to me so far this year!!! And it's only February, can't wait to see what else he has for me this year!!!!
We have been discussing goals at work and so far I have been able to achieve two of them so far this year. So it's on to my next goal we will see how far I get!!! Well gonna say bye for now gotta rest up for my crazy week that's ahead!